Monday, March 28, 2022

Videos & QR Codes in the Library

 YouTube, Animoto, and QR Codes


Channel: The Unquiet Library

Description: Tutorials and screencasts from The Unquiet Library.

Video #1: 

Why I Love Evernote: The Student Perspective

* Short video of students' viewpoint on using the application Evernote. The student is able to reflect and express the pros of using Evernote for researching and its features. Creating these kinds of videos in our libraries allows for students to share their insights of digital tools that makes accessing online resources much more convenient using Evernote. This “The Student Perspective” episodes can be utilized for other online applications such a,, and Duolingo- just to name a few. When a student can teach and explain their thoughts about a certain topic, this shows how much students know about the topic at hand. 

Link: Why I Love Evernote: The Student Perspective

Video #2: 

Using Google Docs Discussions for Networked Learning During Presearch, Media 21

*AASL Standard/Skill 3.1.2 Participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.

*This video focuses on the Google application Google Docs, similar to Word Doc. Google Docs is a great digital tool to use for networking ideas and brainstorming among group members for a particular research digital project. The librarian gives the student credit for utilizing Google Docs in class. These types of videos can be produced in various ways that would bring about educational opportunities, such as creating a video of students using Google Slides, Google Docs, and Google Sites to conduct digital group projects. This will bring about further technology into student’s coursework which prepares them for the world and higher education in which students would benefit from having prior technological experience prior to high school graduation, especially in this day and age we live in today! 




Bring Back Your Books (Goin' Down For Real parody)

Overdue Book Video created by students and the librarian. Students are able to express themselves in a fun way while at the same time creating a parody of a mainstream song to align with the message of students being responsible and returning their library books. Librarians can create these videos with students and upload the video to the school’s YouTube channel or school website. When students are able to contribute to the library in a playful and educational way, learning in the library becomes a place where beautiful things happen. Students in turn, will hopefully have a stronger rapport with the library and an extended respect for the books being borrowed from the school’s library. 


Video #4: 

6th Media Orientation 

*This is a video of a school librarian giving the 6th student population a media/library orientation. This sets expectations for incoming elementary students who are first entering their Middle School’s library. Ground rules of the library are discussed. As well as , the resources the media center has to offer its students. 


Reflection Questions

1) Which is the most helpful for students?

I feel the most helpful video for students is the Video #4 Media 6th grade orientation, it is very informative and insightful. Students may feel a comfort about becoming familiar with a place they would otherwise know nothing about being new students on campus. This visual media way of conducting orientation can be used for incoming 9th grade freshmen, from the feeder middle schools, this way students are being bridged from one campus to another with librarians setting expectations and sharing insights about their school’s library. 

2) Which is the video that the students would like the best? 

Students would probably appreciate the Video #3 Bring Back Your Books (Goin' Down For Real parody). It is fun, students may see their classmates, the song may resonate with the student, music just has that power to suck an audience in. I feel also there are some students out there that would appreciate seeing how to use online digital resources such as Evernote. Students seeing their classmates using applications to help them with their studies, may be inclined to use the application  or maybe use the video as a How To, to help guide them with their own learning experience with the digital resource. I suppose, I would add Video #1: Why I Love Evernote: The Student Perspective, as well. 

Great to know! 

What if your school district blocks YouTube?

All in all, YouTube is a great teaching tool to use in the classroom to help engage students with visual resources. 

  • Massive, essential video site requires teacher support
  • Grades: 8–12
  • Subjects & Skills: Arts, Communication & Collaboration, Creativity
  • Great for: Media Literacy, Social Media, Professional Learning
  • Price:  Free, Paid 
  • Platforms:  Website
  • Pros: Endless, updated content. Captions and playback adjustments.
  • Cons: Ads and inappropriate content. Algorithms can lead viewers astray.
  • Bottom Line: There's no escaping YouTube, and with some curation, tweaking of privacy settings, and media literacy prep, it can provide infinite learning opportunities.


Animoto helps students focus on the content instead of transitions of a presentation.

Book Title: Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Navarrio 

Book Trailer:

Book Summary: “ Based on the Los Angeles Times newspaper series that won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for feature writing and another for feature photography, Enrique's Journey is the timeless story of families torn apart, the yearning to be together again, and a boy who will risk his life to find the mother he loves.”-GoodReads

Overall, your best bet with Animoto is to play to its strengths while still acknowledging its flaws. It may be useful and intriguing for an art project or a book report. It's a lot of fun to make slideshows, and it's even more exciting to view the finished presentations. It's also a crash course on video editing software. The site's options are minimal, which makes it easy to use, but it also limits the site's instructional potential.


QR (Quick Response) codes are two-dimensional, machine-readable black-and-white graphics that provide information to a device when scanned. Users create QR codes by selecting Create from the menu, then selecting the type of destination (web address, plain text, calendar event, local picture, phone number, app, email, and so on), filling in the details, and pressing the green button. The code is shown on the device and can be projected onto a screen or saved to be printed or shared. The edit option can be used to add text. Users select the Scan option from the menu and point the device's camera at the code to scan it. The webpage, text, or information associated with the code opens on the device automatically and is saved to the device's history for future reference.

Scan this QR Code to view the book trailer for the novel “Enrique’s Journey” by Sonia Nazario.

(Image to the right: Nazario riding a freight train, emulating Enrique’s journey to the U.S.)

 “Although I often felt exhausted and miserable, I knew I was experiencing only an iota of what migrant children go through…The journey gave me a glimmer of how hard this is for them.”

-Sonia Nazario

Nazario’s extensive research consisted of embarking upon the exact journey that Enrique made from Honduras up to the U.S. She made this journey twice, each trip lasting 3 months. Nazario has been quoted saying, “Then I began to retrace his steps, doing the journey exactly as he had done it a few weeks before. I wanted to see and experience things as he had with the hope of describing them more fully.”

How are libraries using QR codes?

Librarians and employees at large research universities, small liberal arts colleges, public libraries, and museums are experimenting with QR codes in both their physical and virtual libraries.

“Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki” has a QR Codes page and is one place where librarians and others can share and link to how their libraries are using QR codes. 

Examples of QR code uses in libraries include:

  • Library exhibits that include a QR code link to songs, videos, Web sites, surveys, contests, etc. or other information that augments the exhibits.

  • Codes in the library stacks/end caps or magazine/journal areas that point to online electronic holdings of print materials or related subject guides.

  • Linking to library audio tours for orientations.

  • Code added to print handouts for additional information on mobile friendly sites.

  • QR code with text that loads the library’s text message reference service and other contact information into the patron’s phone.

  • Art shows or permanent art in libraries with a QR code linking to the artists’ Websites.

  • In catalog records to offer patrons basic info about an item, including the location and call number. Users can scan the code and head to the stacks rather than writing or printing.

  • Taped to video/DVD cases, linking to mobile-friendly video trailers.

  • Code placed on staff directory pages and research guides that go to mobile friendly sites for later reference.

  • Code placed on audio book cases for author interviews or books for reviews.

  • Code placed on study room doors connecting to room reservation forms.

  • Library video tutorials—individual videos or create a QR code to a YouTube playlists of videos, which create a great mobile home screen app that can be saved for easy access, as needed.

QR codes are vital in a device-friendly classroom. Teachers may quickly design codes that students can readily scan using the QR codes interface, which is visually clean and straightforward to use. It's really convenient to have both a QR reader and a QR creator on the same device. On devices with auto-focus, the scanning function is quite responsive, so students will be able to scan codes and get to the information they need quickly and effortlessly. It works best on phones, which may not be available in all classrooms, so teachers should test numerous codes on students' devices to ensure that they scan easily.


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